Autumn 2018 - Summer 2019
- Local Beavers , Cubs and Rainbows use our school hall and some fitness classes take place here too.
- Maypole dancing at Thoroton village show.
- Nottingham High School invite us regularly to take part in More Able Stem projects.
- Inviting our parents in to our classrooms for shared learning and to showcase our creative work.
- Taking part in a democratic vote by the school community to support a local and global charity.
- Inviting our Community Rail officers in to school to promote rail safety.
- We have adopted our local train station as well and have worked on creating a welcoming space for visitors to the station by planting flower tubs.
- Working alongside Nottingham Trent University to mentor and support teacher trainees.
- Engaging with the Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club – eg. Taking part in the community arts competition and displaying our work in Radcliffe on Trent and Bingham.
- Liaising with Rushcliffe Mayor who supports our Off by Heart Poetry Competition. We go and sing every year at Rushcliffe Arena in West Bridgford.
- Connecting with our local care home eg. Singing at Christmas and inviting residents to our shows
- We make use of our local area eg visiting Sherwood Pines and Perlethorpe for outdoor learning.
- Inviting our local fire service in to school to support our learning.
- Inviting local members of our community in to school eg. War veterans come in to our Remembrance Assembly, Border Control (a local company) worked with the children to plant the borders at our main entrance, members of the local church community work with us to support our RE learning, eg running a workshop at the Thomas Cranmer Centre for Thy Kingdom Come day.