Class 5
Contact Mrs Wicks (Mon-Thurs)
Welcome to Class 5
This page has useful information about the day to day running of Class 5 and about what we get up to in our busy, exciting classroom.
Miss Robinson teaches Class 5 on Fridays.
We work alongside Mrs Verner, our teaching partner.
Spring term
- Personification
- Internal monologue
- Poetry
- Performance poetry
- vocab rich description
- written narrative in first person past tense
- third person descriptions of the scene (including pathetic fallacy)
- written analysis of Greek myths to show their conventions (structure and characters)
- retell and compare versions of Daedalus and Icarus,
- myth scene from a different perspective
Maths: Children will focus on:
Multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages.
Perimeter and area
Term 1 Mixtures and Separation
Term 2 Properties and Changes
History: What did the Greeks do for us?
Geography: What is life like in the Alps?
Computing: Data Handling
Art and Design: Painting: Hokusai's 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa'
Design and Technology: Mechanical systems: Making a pop-up book
Music: Inter-related dimensions and musical vocabulary. Exploring jazz. Composing and notating music inspired by lyrics and poetry.
MFL: Verbs in a Week. Meet My French Family.
RE: What is like to follow God? Why do Christians call the day Jesus died, Good Friday?
For our class quality text Mrs Wicks will read ‘Who Let the Gods out?’ by Maz Evans.
If you have/would like to share any information or expertise on any of the above, please let Mrs Wicks know.
Autumn term
English: Children will write poems based on those of Pie Corbett, create a space log book and space stories based on a visual Literacy unit 'Invasions'. They will write a letter applying to be an astronaut, and a diary. They will write non-chronological pieces based on the fictitious planet of Pandora and non-chronological pieces based on our class novel Cosmic and a biography of astronaut Mae Jamison.
Maths: Children will focus on number and place value, addition and subtraction, properties of shapes, multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, decimals and measurement (mass).
Term 1 Earth and Space
Term 2 Forces in Action
History: Term 1 How did the Maya civilisation compare to the Anglo-Saxons?
Geography: Term 2 Would you like to live in the desert?
Art and Design: Children will link to their history learning to uncover the artwork created by the Mayans, using this inspiration to draw and create their own patterns and spirit companions.
Design and Technology: Electrical Systems: Doodlers
Music: The children will be exploring time signatures and performing together, performing rhythms expressively, exploring rhythmic texture and creating and notating musical texture.
Computing: Computer Networks and the Internet, App Design, E-safety, Computer Networks and the Internet, App Design, E-safety
MFL: French Monster Pets and Shopping in France
RE: How do people’s beliefs about God, the world and others have impact on their lives?
For our class novels Mrs Wicks will read ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce.
If you have/would like to share any information or expertise on any of the above, please let Mrs Wicks know!
Please follow us on 'X', formerly Twitter, @AslocktonSchool to see us in action on our incredible learning journey in Class 5.
Trips, visits and residentials:
Autumn term: Visit to the National Space centre in Leicester.
Horticultural show, Harvest, Bikeability and the KS2 Carol Service.
Spring term: DAaRT lifeskills and possible visit to Wollaton Hall.
Summer term: Residential to Willersley Castle, Derbyshire. Monday 28th - Wednesday 30th April
Helping KS1 with potted sports, sports day and the KS2 summer performance.
Useful information:
- PE: Our PE lessons are on Wednesday afternoons. Children may come to school in P.E kit which should include appropriate clothing and footwear for both indoor and outdoor activities and the weather that day as most P.E lessons will take place whatever the weather. Please make sure that all items of clothing are named.
- Homework: Reading and spellings form part of weekly homework and any additional homework will be sent home, with an accompanying explanation letter.
- Spellings will be set on a Tuesday and tested the following Tuesday. 10 new spellings will be sent home every Wednesday to be learned for the following Wednesday. Children should know how to spell the words and be able to use them in a sentence. This is very important and will also be tested. Spelling Frame will be used as a way to practise their weekly spelling rules at home.
- Times tables will be practised on a Friday and any children needing extra support will have an intervention on Thursdays. Although there will be no weekly times table tests in Year 5, it is extremely important that the children keep practising and increase their speed and their knowledge of derived division facts as so much of the maths in years 5 and 6 requires a solid foundation of these.
- Reading diaries are now found in the children's Personal Organisers - we would like the children to read at least three times a week and to see the planner signed at least three times a week by an adult please. The reading section of the diary will be looked at every week and take care points for reading will be awarded. There is also a section in the organiser for Reading Bingo- here the children can be rewarded with a 'visit' the The Starbook's Café- ask them for more information!!
- Outdoor Learning: Where possible we will spend time learning outdoors and will enjoy using the outdoor learning area and the large grounds we are fortunate to have as a school. Therefore please can you ensure that your child has a suitable waterproof coat every day in school. If you wish, you can provide your child with a named pair of wellington boots which they can leave in the outdoor shoe box. This will enable us to provide opportunities to take their learning outside.
Maths Links