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Archbishop Cranmer C of E Academy

Striving for life in all its fullness. John 10:10


Plot to Pot

Plot to Pot (P2P) is run by Miss Young,  Mrs Landers and Mrs Parnham each Thursday from 3.30 to 4.30pm.  We have over 40 children on the register and have a wide range of activities based around our environmental area and kitchen.


We grow a variety of fruit, vegetables and salad crops and then turn them into delicious food.  More adventurously, we forage for wild food such as elderflower and elderberry, brambles, windfall apples, nettles and even pigeons, which are all prepared by the club members and eaten with relish.


The children absolutely love the excuse to be messing about in mud or picnicking in the sunshine whilst learning about where their food comes from and how to use it.


We also focus on biodiversity within the school grounds and encourage this by building and caring for habitat areas such as the stumpery, the log pile, the wild flower bank and the 'natural' parts of the environmental area.  On rainy days we make animal homes and animal feeders, so there is always something to keep us busy.


Plot to Pot club's aim is to utilise the wonderful, green space we have to the full benefit of all the pupils. We believe that gardening improves pupils’ confidence, resilience and responsibility that the school garden can provide many curriculum opportunities such as increasing scientific knowledge and understanding, improves communication and problem-solving skills and provides the opportunity for physical development. We also  believe that teaching and learning using the outside space is vitally important and more importantly, it serves to build life skills that can be utilised in later life.


We welcome all ages from Year 1 to 6 and all the children work brilliantly together, all they need is work clothes, wellies and energy!


“Gardening in school boosts child development, teaches life skills and makes children healthier and happier”

Royal Horticultural Society


Spring and Summer Term 2019 

After a long, damp Winter  it is time we got back in to the garden and what a great team of gardeners we have this year! 

Everyone from Year 1 to Year 6 is welcome to come along on Thursday from 3.30 to 4.30pm.  All you need is a pair of wellies and lots of enthusiasm.  Sometimes we will work on the planting boxes, sometimes we will be clearing up the school environment, sometimes we will be cooking our own produce, but we will always have fun in the fresh air and be improving our local environment, the biodiversity of the school grounds and learning about where food comes from.


Parents, if you have any gardening or cooking expertise, or just enthusiasm, and could help Miss Young and Mrs Landers on the occasional Thursday afternoon, you would be made most welcome.  We might even offer you a taste of our produce!


Miss Young


Look at what we have been doing!

End of Season Tea Party

Made and eaten so far this year.... blackberry jam, leek and potato soup, roasted pumpkin, pumpkin soup, salad, home baked bread, fruit kebabs, popcorn, jacket potatoes.  If you like the sound of this, come and join us!




An Autumn Extravaganza at Farmeco

Annual Apple Fest

What happens - powerpoint