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Archbishop Cranmer CE Primary School home page

Archbishop Cranmer C of E Academy

Striving for life in all its fullness. John 10:10


Class 6

Welcome to Class 6


This page has useful information about the day to day running of Class 6 and about what we get up to in our busy, exciting classroom.

Miss Miranda works alongside Miss Wilkinson, our teaching partner. Miss Wilkinson will be working alongside Miss Miranda daily and Mr Green will be working in class on a Friday. 


Autumn term 


Our Autumn term topic is 'Britain in World War II'.  

Children will learn when and why World War II began and find out about the key individuals and countries involved. In addition to this, they will discover all about evacuation; learn what it was like to live with food rationing and explore the contribution made by women to the war effort. Furthermore, they will learn important facts about the Holocaust and investigate events that were key turning points in the war, such as the Battle of Britain and the German invasion of Russia. Throughout the topic and term, children will understand the importance of the Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty by exploring our British Values. 


We will read quality texts including Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo and The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. Through these texts, the children will write a series of genres including letters to create an emotive and historically accurate letter as an evacuee, persuasion through book-based debates, children will debate the difficult decision the characters will have to make and poetry where children will explore a range of war poetry to capture the true importance of what it means for soldiers to fight for their country. They look at the emotive language and the figurative language that draws us into the poem and helps us to ‘visualise’ the ‘imagery’ in our heads before creating our own pieces. 


In Science, our topics are electricity and light: we will use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram and will compare and give reasons for variations in how components function. The children will learn how light travels and how this enables us to see objects. They will have the opportunity to make a functioning periscope such as those used in the trenches, finding out about mirrors and the angles of reflection and incidence. They will also be revisit learning about grouping of animals and learn about the Linnean System of classification. Pupils will be able to differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates and micro-organisms.



Useful information:

  • Our PE lessons are on Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child arrives in school in their PE kits. You may wish to layer some warmer clothing for our outdoor sessions, particularly when the weather is colder.
  • Spellings will be tested every Wednesday. 10 new spellings will be sent home every Monday to be learned for the following Monday. Children should know how to spell the words and be able to use them in a sentence in the correct context. This is very important and will also be tested. Please focus very carefully on the purple words, as these are the spellings children must know by the end of year 6.
  • Times tables will be tested every Wednesday. Children will be given 6 minutes to complete the multiplication and division facts up to 12x. This forms part of a tracker as children work through awards. Each week they will focus on a different times table individualised to their learning up to 12x12. If children achieve all times tables up to 12, they will begin mixed. 
  • Reading homework will be set every Tuesday. I will be giving the input during the school day and then the following week we will mark the questions which children must have completed at home.
  • The Year 6 Reading Challenge challenges children to read at least 100 pages per week to an adult outside of school each week with a minimum of 3 times or more. Personal Organisers are collected in every Wednesday. If they have read at least 3 times a week, every week, all term, they will receive a special reward.
  • Creative Homework may be assigned once every term. This will always be themed around our current learning topic. 


Please follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @AslocktonSchool to see us in action on our incredible learning journey in Class 6 and Facebook




    Contact Miss Miranda


    Please note that there will be four trips this academic year:

    Holme Pierrepont Safety Zone Day - Autumn Term 1

    The National Holocaust Centre and Museum - Autumn Term 2

    The Houses of Parliament - Spring Term 

    Residential - Summer Term

    Year 6 Non-Negotiables

    Parent/ Carer Reading Comprehension Questions

    How to compete the times table homework

    Still image for this video
    Remember to follow the grid horizontally. Basic multiplication is commutative which means the arrangement doesn't matter - show me this:
    5x 4= 20 so 4 x 5 = 20.
    We then move to the corresponding division facts. Start with the bigger number otherwise we won't end up with whole numbers as our answers! Division isn't commutative so we can't just swap the numbers.
    20 ÷ 5 = 4 therefore 20 ÷ 4 = 5.