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Archbishop Cranmer CE Primary School home page

Archbishop Cranmer C of E Academy

Striving for life in all its fullness. John 10:10


RE in Action

At Archbishop Cranmer our commitment to R.E. and to our vision statement is translated in to practice and we have a quality enrichment programme to support our learning which means  our vision statement is lived out in our daily lives.  We aim for children to become excellent Christian role models for the future world and we are inclusive and  respectful whilst celebrating  global diversity. 

With the Christian values and vision as the driving force of all we do, we desire to do something that will be remembered and make a significant difference in the big picture of  our children’s lives, now in and in the future  so it is also our mission that we work in partnership with one another “ to establish the work of our hands”. This means that our school community also connects  our ethical and charitable activities to our vision and values  and we provide many opportunities for all pupils to engage in social action and understand how they can tackle injustice. 

See some of our “ Action”  here.

We are courageous advocates

The Archbishop Of York Youth Trust

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See some examples of how our Year 5 pupils plan to have a positive impact in their local community.