Parent Forum
Regular, open communication and consultation is highly valued at our school and the parent forum aims to represent the views of all parents and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. The Parent Forum is separate from FACs (our PTA group) and from the school governors. FACs exists to organise extra-curricular events and raise funds for the school. The Governors have responsibility for the management of the school, setting policy and overseeing budgets. The Parent Forum does not have any decision-making powers or financial resources; its main purpose is the sharing of ideas and information.The forum works to provide feedback on provision, offer a parent’s perspective on current policy and practice and input into decision making and planning for future provision
The forum is not in place to address specific concerns about an individual child or issues relating to individual members of staff. Parents who need to discuss these issues should approach their class teacher in the first instance or the Headteacher Mrs Stevens.
Main Aims
The purpose of the parent forum is to act as a communication channel between parents, carers and school. It allows our school community to put their views to the senior management team and staff, as well as giving school managers a means of asking parents for their views on specific topics.
- To support and promote children’s learning
- To help the school find out what parents and carers think about important issues
- To involve parents and carers actively in school decisions
- To make plans that support the ways the school wants to develop and improve outcomes for our children
Every parent and carer with a child attending our school is automatically a member of our forum and welcome to attend. We hope for a diverse active forum membership and representation of views from parents/carers from all year groups. Meetings take place termly. The main topic for discussion will be decided in advance, and views will be invited from all school parents prior to the meeting.They will cover
- Items identified by the governing body and leadership team for discussion
- Items identified by parents and carers for discussion
Minutes are taken and will be posted on this page after each forum meeting.
If you would like any further information, or would like to propose a topic for discussion, please speak to Mrs Stevens, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Hodgson or one of our Forum Link Governors, Mrs Sarah Rowe or Mrs Katie Short.