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Archbishop Cranmer C of E Academy

Striving for life in all its fullness. John 10:10


Relationships and Sex Education

Relationships, Health and Sex Education at Archbishop Cranmer C of E Primary Academy


Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE), previously known as Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), covers the following:

  • Relationships Education: building positive and healthy relationships with friends and family members, respect for others, online relationships, positive emotional and mental wellbeing and staying safe;

  • Sex Education: relationships and health, including puberty. This is not compulsory in primary school and parents have the right to withdraw their child/ren from these sessions.

  • Health Education: teaching the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing.

 More information can be found in the policy, linked below.


We use the 'Growing Up with Yasmine and Tom' Relationships scheme of work, provided by the Family Planning Association as the foundation for our RSE curriculum from Years 1-6. The materials have full coverage of the statutory objectives and provide a wide range of learning points which we feel will equip our pupils with knowledge and skills within this important area of their development and understanding. (For more information, please click here)


As part of the statutory requirements for teaching Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), we were required to consult with parents and carers as part of the development and review of our policy. Parent/ carer consultation took place in July 2020 and again in September 2023 when we chose to update our scheme of work. Please find below copies of the updated and agreed policy, consultation report, statutory guidance and sample materials for which we  implemented from September 2020 and September 2023 as part of our RSE curriculum. More information regarding our Relationships and Health strand of the curriculum can be found on our PSHE curriculum page or by visiting 


Many thanks to those parents and carers who took the time to respond to our parent consultation: your feedback was greatly appreciated.


If you would like to discuss our RSE curriculum, please contact Mrs Hodgson (RHSE Lead) via the school office.

Consultation Letter