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Archbishop Cranmer C of E Academy

Striving for life in all its fullness. John 10:10


Term Dates and School Day Timings

School Day Timings

We strive to ensure every child at Archbishop Cranmer C of E Academy is



School Timetable: A typical day at  Archbishop Cranmer Academy

Total hours in a school week ≈ 32.92 hours


7:30am - Breakfast Club: For parents and carers who need to drop off their children early, we offer an independently managed daily breakfast club, where children are given a healthy breakfast and have the opportunity to select from a range of activities, before they begin school. For more information please contact  Elaine Gilbert on  07977973753


8:30am - Morning Enrichment: We provide a range of extracurricular activities, some of which are in the morning before school. Find out more here.


8:45am - The School Day starts: The Head and other staff are by the gates to welcome the children in to school at the start of each day. Children meet their friends and line up on the playgrounds. Foundation children, accompanied by parent/carers, line up outside their cloakroom door (adjacent to Pre-School entrance); Years 1, 4 and 5 enter via the main playground via the double gates and line up; Years 2 and 3  line up on the small playground near their classrooms. Year 6 children may filter in to their classroom from 8:45am (if they wish),  via the Year 6 cloakroom.


8:55am - The school day begins with the morning bell and registration: Cloakroom doors are opened and children are welcomed in to their classrooms, ready to start their learning for the day. We expect a high level of attendance and good time-keeping from our children. By being on time, all the children are able to mentally prepare for the day through our positive and welcoming registration process.


9:00am - Morning Activities such as Fluent-in-5, Grammar, Phonics


9:30am - Maths: Find out more about our curriculum here.


10:30am - Break: Our dedicated  pupil Play Leaders ensure everyone enjoys a happy playtime. There are areas for being physically active, as well as quiet areas for children wishing to sit and chat with their friends or read.


10:45am - Assembly: This offers an opportunity for the whole school to meet on a daily basis. We end our week with a celebration assembly, where we congratulate our children for achievements made both inside and outside school.


11:15am - English:  Find out more about our curriculum here.


12.15pm - Lunchtime:  Our Lunchtime staff and pupil Play Leaders ensure supervised games are available for all, as well as a host of activities for children to participate in with friends. Lunchtime Clubs are also available for those who wish to join e.g. netball, reading, worship committee. We welcome parents and carers to come and dine with their children on specific days. More on school lunch here.


1.15pm - Afternoon lessons: We follow a broad, balanced, progressive, sequential and rich, creative curriculum. Find out more here.


3.30pm - The compulsory school day finishes: The children are dismissed out of their cloakroom doors to their parents/carers, who are able to converse with staff about the day . 


3.30pm - 4.15pm/4.30pm - Extra-Curricular Activities: As part of our Culture of Opportunity, children are invited to attend a range of after school clubs to enrich their learning and enjoyment.


3:30pm – 6:00pm - Extended School with After-School Club: Parents and carers are able to access daily ‘wrap around care’ for their child if needed until 6:00pm.  Children attending after-school club enjoy a varied timetable of activities; ranging from the more energetic sports and games, to time on the laptops and i-pads; playing traditional board games, completing homework, relaxing with a book or watching a film. Children are provided with a light tea and benefit from spending time with other children within the school.