Our Recovery Curriculum 2020-21
Archbishop Cranmer C of E Primary Academy
Recovery Curriculum
Due to the lockdown and school closures since March 23rd 2020, daily routines for children across the nation have changed enormously. At Archbishop Cranmer our pupil’s well-being is at the centre of all we do: we acknowledge that the children will have had different experiences during this time and have been working hard on our Recovery curriculum ready to welcome back all pupils in September. For most children, their daily goal of going to school, not just to learn, but to see their friends, has been lost. Alongside the loss of friendship and social interaction, pupils have also experienced a loss of routine, structure, opportunity and freedom. We understand that these losses can, in some children, trigger anxiety, trauma and bereavement and could have an impact on their wellbeing. At Archbishop Cranmer, we recognise that the transition back to school needs to prioritise a gradual implementation of any form of curriculum to recover from these losses, and that all of our learners will need a holistic recovery, where some may need a focused recovery intervention programme which is personalised to their needs; and others may need a deeper, longer lasting recovery period.
Many parents will be concerned by the lost knowledge and academic opportunities experienced by our pupils throughout this period but we want to reassure you that we have carefully considered the impact of the pandemic on academic progress and have planned for all subjects accordingly. We feel it is very important to initially allow time to focus on the fundamental wellbeing and secure positive development of our pupils, because without this, there will be no results that will have true meaning when children come to moving forward with their learning.
Through our 'Recovery Curriculum' we aim to:
- Rebuild relationships and re-establish friendships;
- Rediscover a sense of community, through allowing children to share their experiences of school closure and express their feelings;
- Reassure children that any loss of learning is understood by their teachers and will help to address any gaps through a transparent curriculum;
- Reintroduce ‘learning how to learn’ and rebuilding children’s confidence as learners. This is also known as metacognition;
- Give our pupils the confidence to be back in school and be able to express their concerns and ideas through providing space – to be, to rediscover self, and to find their voice on learning in this issue.
At Archbishop Cranmer our Recovery Curriculum will be a graduated response, firstly a holistic whole school recovery, then to a more focused needs led targeted approach to a longer term focused on personalised specific support.