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Archbishop Cranmer CE Primary School home page

Archbishop Cranmer C of E Academy

Striving for life in all its fullness. John 10:10


Class 3

Welcome to Class 3


This page has useful information about the day to day running of Class 3 and about what we get up to in our busy, exciting classroom. 


Mrs Lock will teach Y3 every day except Monday. On Mondays the class will be taught by Miss Robinson. Mrs Willis will work alongside Y3 during some of our lessons.


Spring Term:


Writing: The children will begin 2025 with a focus on 'being the change they want to see' during their work surrounding the text, 'Dear Earth'. The children will write formal letters to Earth explaining how they plan to care for our planet better. We will then move on to 'Varjak Paw', a compelling story about a Mesopotamian Blue kitten, who lives high up in an old house on a hill. He's never left home, until he receives a mysterious visit from his grandfather who tells him about The Way - a secret martial art for cats. The children will write a narrative using expanded noun phrases, dialogue and they will learn a new skill ,fronted adverbials. and use these to improve their writing. Our final unit for the first half term will focus on poetry as we use the beautiful book, 'The lost words' as our inspiration. We will learn the effective use of similes and metaphors as well as expanding our vocabulary to create poems about living things.

Maths: This term the children will focus on multiplication and division followed by units aimed at teaching Y3 objectives on length and perimeter, fractions and mass and capacity.


Half Term 1 Forces and magnets: 

Investigating motion on different surfaces, the children learn about friction, compare its uses and disadvantages, explore contact and non-contact forces and study the properties and uses of magnets.

Children will learn to:

  • identify examples of pushes, pulls and twists.
  • Define a force, including describing, naming and classifying contact and non-contact forces.
  • Describe the relationship between friction and the roughness of a surface.
  • Identify examples of friction being useful or not.
  • Predict attraction and repulsion between like and opposite poles.
  • Identify examples of magnetic and non-magnetic materials. 
  • Name some examples of types of magnets and compare their strengths.
  • Describe some examples of the uses of magnets. 
  • When working scientifically, pupils who are secure will be able to:
  • Use arrows and scientific vocabulary to show the direction of a contact force.
  • Use evidence to support conclusions.
  • Identify the variables to change, measure and control.
  • Write a method to explain how to use a magnet to sort and classify materials as magnetic or non-magnetic.
  • Label the axes of a bar chart.
  • Draw bars on a chart accurately. 
  • Identify key information from a source. 
  • Use more than one source to research a question.


For the first half of the Spring term, children will focus on History, moving on to a Geography focus in the second half of the term. Our area of study will be Ancient Egyptians. The children will learn where Egypt is and the importance of the Nile. They will become Egyptologists to find out how and why pyramids were built and who may have constructed them. Year 3 will also learn about the Pharoahs, some of the gods and goddesses the ancient Egyptians believed in as well as learning about the 'Book of the dead'.

Design and Technology: This half term we will be combining our design skills with our computing and coding skills to design some wearable technology with the design brief of keeping children safe as they walk to and from school during the darker months. The children will use Micro-bit to code lighting patterns on their wearable products.

Music: Across the term as a whole the children will cover the following areas of learning:

  • STEP 1: Identifying the inter-related dimensions of music
  • STEP 2: Accompanying songs with suitable timbre and expression
  • STEP 3: Creating sounds in response to a stimulus
  • STEP 4: To compose music to communicate stories and settings

Computing: Infographics, Branching Database, Comic Creation, Music Creation and Esafety

MFL: In French lessons, the children will learn numbers and playground games. 


Please follow us on Instagram or 'X', formerly Twitter, @AslocktonSchool to see us in action on our incredible learning journey in Class 3.


Trips, visits and residentials:


Spring term

Week 1- final swimming session.


Useful information:


PE: Our PE lessons are on Wednesday  afternoons.  Children may come to school in P.E kit which should include appropriate clothing and footwear for both indoor and outdoor activities and the weather that day as most P.E lessons will take place whatever the weather.   Please make sure that all items of clothing are named.

Outdoor Learning: Where possible we will spend time learning outdoors and will enjoy using the outdoor learning area and the large grounds we are fortunate to have as a school. Therefore please can you ensure that your child has a suitable waterproof coat every day in school. If you wish, you can provide your child with a named pair of wellington boots which they can leave in the outdoor shoe box. This will enable us to provide more opportunities to take their learning outside. 




Reading and spellings  form part of weekly homework and any additional homework will be sent home, with an accompanying explanation letter.


Spellings: Children will be given weekly spellings and should know how to spell the words and be able to use them in a sentence. This is very important and will also be tested. Spelling Frame will be used as a way to practise their weekly spelling rules at home. Codes will be sent home to enable children to practice.


Times tables will be practised on a Friday and any children needing extra support will have access to an intervention. Children can use to practise their speed of recall of times tables facts up to 12x12. This will support their learning in preparation for the National Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4. Children have been given personal log in details to to practise at home.


The Year 3 Reading Challenge - we would like the children to read at least three times a week and to see the planner signed at least three times a week by an adult please. The reading section of the diary will be looked at every Friday and rewards for reading will be awarded on a weekly basis. However, children who read 3 times a week, every week in a half term will also be invited to participate in a reward activity.  


Creative Homework may be assigned and will always be themed around our current learning topic. Creative homework will be optional but provides a wonderful opportunity for you to share your child's learning at home.

Contact Mrs Lock