Class 3
Welcome to Class 3
This page has useful information about the day to day running of Class 3 and about what we get up to in our busy, exciting classroom.
Mrs Willis will work alongside Y3 during some of our lessons.
Autumn Term:
Writing: Children will begin with a study of the text 'Leon and the Place In between'. Through this story, set in a magical circus, the children will practise their writing skills as they master expanded noun phrases, varied sentence types and some new punctuation. Y3 will also explore some magic tricks of their own and use these to write instructions explaining how to perform a trick.
Maths: This term the children will focus on number and place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.
Half Term 1 Animals: Movement and Nutrition:
Explain the role of a skeleton.
Recognise the main bones in the body.
Explain how muscles are used for movement.
explain how food is an essential energy source for animals.
Identify the main nutrient groups and their simple functions.
Explain what makes a balanced diet.
Half Term 2 Forces and Magnets:
Describe the effects of contact forces.
Recognise the effects and uses of forces.
Interpret how and why things move differently on different surfaces.
Describe the effects of magnets.
Compare the properties of different types of magnets.
Explain the uses of magnets.
History: Children will learn what life was like during the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
Geography: Children will explore why people live near volcanoes.
Art and Design: Although the focus will be on DT in the first half term the children will explore painting and mixed media as they discover prehistoric painting through their history activities. In term two, Y3 will explore the work of artist Georgia O'Keefe and use her work as inspiration for some floral art work.
Design and Technology: Cooking and Nutrition: Eating Seasonally. The children will learn about where our food comes from, why we import our food and will select seasonal ingredients to design and make a tart.
Music: The children will be exploring time signatures and performing together, performing rhythms expressively, exploring rhythmic texture and creating and notating musical texture.
Computing: 3D Design, Document Editing and Creation, Esafety and Digital Art
MFL: French greetings with puppets and French adjectives of colour, size and shape
Please follow us on 'X', formerly Twitter, @AslocktonSchool to see us in action on our incredible learning journey in Class 3.
Trips, visits and residentials:
Autumn term: Bikeability and Swimming
Horticultural show, Harvest Service and the KS2 Carol Service.
Residential trip to York (11th-13th December)
Useful information:
PE: Our PE lessons are on Wednesday afternoons. Children may come to school in P.E kit which should include appropriate clothing and footwear for both indoor and outdoor activities and the weather that day as most P.E lessons will take place whatever the weather. Please make sure that all items of clothing are named.
Outdoor Learning: Where possible we will spend time learning outdoors and will enjoy using the outdoor learning area and the large grounds we are fortunate to have as a school. Therefore please can you ensure that your child has a suitable waterproof coat every day in school. If you wish, you can provide your child with a named pair of wellington boots which they can leave in the outdoor shoe box. This will enable us to provide more opportunities to take their learning outside.
Reading and spellings form part of weekly homework and any additional homework will be sent home, with an accompanying explanation letter.
Spellings: Children will be given weekly spellings and should know how to spell the words and be able to use them in a sentence. This is very important and will also be tested. Spelling Frame will be used as a way to practise their weekly spelling rules at home. Codes will be sent home to enable children to practice.
Times tables will be practised on a Friday and any children needing extra support will have access to an intervention. Children can use to practise their speed of recall of times tables facts up to 12x12. This will support their learning in preparation for the National Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4. Children have been given personal log in details to to practise at home.
The Year 3 Reading Challenge - we would like the children to read at least three times a week and to see the planner signed at least three times a week by an adult please. The reading section of the diary will be looked at every Friday and rewards for reading will be awarded on a weekly basis. However, children who read 3 times a week, every week in a half term will also be invited to participate in a reward activity.
Creative Homework may be assigned and will always be themed around our current learning topic. Creative homework will be optional but provides a wonderful opportunity for you to share your child's learning at home.